You Could be Betting Your Life on Your Training!


AS required by Ohio RC 2923.125, We offer a 10 hour Ohio Concealed Handgun License course.

We have expanded the course to meet Ohio Revised Code.

The course includes basic safety rules, types of firearms, ammunition selection, and the real story on what ammuntion does & does not do. "Considerations of Concealed Carry", How to carry, The Mindset when carrying, Awareness, tactics, The physiological distortions of combat.  The Ohio laws concerning concealed carry, How to interreact with law enforcement.  Training methods, gun care, & chosing the proper handgun, for concealed carry.  Hands on skill sets to improve your shooting,

The class is10 hours of classroom and rangetime. or call 937-787-4414, to book a class.    $150 
 We keep the classes at around no more than 8 students, with 2 Instructors on hand.

We are more concerned with the quality of the training we give, than the number of people we train, why get stuck in a class of fifty with one Instructor?

Remember you could be betting your life on your training.



Our Ohio CHL course is not a bare bone boring basic pistol class.

Our Instructors have a wide array of training, you will learn the basics of what you need to know not only the basic functioning of a pistol, You will learn proper safety training, &  instruction in proper carry methods. How to develop the mindset to win the fight, & how to become a better shooter. How to chose a pistol for self protection, & the gear you need to make it work. Learn what bullets do & more importantly what they don't do!

We also give an in depth review of the laws pertaining to carrying & using a firearm in a defensive encounter.

 We are not volume trainers, we usually limit the class to no more than 12 students, & the ratio on the range is usually 2 instructors for 4 students, so that we can give each individual, advice & training on improving their gun handling skills.

 Many Trainers brag about the sheer volume of students processed, if they have trained 40,000 how much training did any individual get?

We work very hard to provide Quality Professional Training, & constantly seek to broaden our own experience to provide a better training to our students.



Remember if you wait till you need it, it may be to late.
That spare tire in the trunk is not there because you are planning on having a flat, but in case you do.



Private classes by appointment $300








    WE DO NOT run background checks, if you are unsure, contact an Attorney
    Ohio CHL Class $150
    100 rounds of ammunition**
    Hearing & Eye Protection*
    Photo ID
    Notebook, pen*
    * we can provide these items

** Additional fee , $25 for 9 mm, we provide 22 ammo at no charge







We cover where you can & cannot carry.

States that you can carry in with your Ohio CHL:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,  New Mexico, North & South Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas , Utah, Vermont,  Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin,  & Wyoming. (40 states counting Ohio)

In the vehicle carry is allowed in Illinois.








Our course has been reviewed & approved by two Sheriff's departments. We are offering the Ohio CHL course based on the NRA Basic Pistol Class, on weekends, we can also offer the course during the week with prior arrangements.The course is 10 hours, in the classroom &  range-time, & live fire. Covers not only safety, but the basics of pistol shooting, Thoughts on selecting the right pistol, holster, how to carry, & a complete review of the Ohio CC booklet. With Mad Duck Training, you will be prepared, with the correct information.