You Could be Betting Your Life on Your Training!





































Send me your comments, & I'll post them here!! 

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Thanks for all that you do, and thanks for caring about training of our citizens.
          Keep up the fire!

       LTC (ret)  Dave Grossman


Thank you for sending us updates on the course material.  Definitely above and beyond.  Look forward to attending more classes with you.

DH Wilmington

Letter from an Instructor, that attended one of our courses:
Dear John;
         I have been involved in training, training management/supervision and training instructors since 1975. I am extremely selective with those whom I decide to pay for training. Selecting a trainer and a training venue from the internet is, I believe, somewhat akin to casino gambling. The odds are rarely in my favor. I selected your Personal Protection Outside the Home off the Internet as could not find anyone offering this training in the Central Ohio area. My gamble was I simply thought I might  learn something of value.
         Frankly, as an individual who has trained for over 30 years, with international training and training administration experience, I was impressed with the level of instruction I received from you this past weekend. Simply put - it takes a great effort to impress me. You hit all the marks: Safety; fundamentals; coursework following the lesson plan; trainer knowledge; and finally appropriate range work. You added just the right touch of self deprecating humor to keep us interested and on point. This is most difficult when you have senior and opinionated trainers in your classroom. I would be pleased to attend the next course you offer. Feel free to use me as a reference.
William S. Lee,
CEO, Central Ohio Police Training Associates



I would like to thank you again for the thorough and extensive training yesterday we made it back to Cleveland safe and sound with more knowledge than when we began with. It’s a pleasure working with people who truly are trying to help with firearms and self defense training and love what they do. I   look forward to doing more training with you. You are more thorough than other Trainers I have encountered so I would like to commend you for a superior product, TR Cleveland


I just wanted to tell you again how much I enjoyed your class yesterday.  It was outstanding.  I learned a great deal from it and am anxious to learn more.

Perhaps the greatest compliment I can give you is that I spent 12 hours with you and didn’t have even one minute of boredom.  The time flew by for me very quickly.

Thank you.  LB Cincinnati



John Farquhar at Mad Duck is a world class firearms trainer, I consider him a sheepdog, and fellow warrior trainer

Lt. Col. (ret) Dave Grossman author of On Combat



Dear John, 

I am taking this opportunity to express my sincere and utmost satisfaction with two NRA courses I completed last week. 

The Training Counselor was John D. Farquhar of West Elkton, Ohio 

On Friday, May 21st, I took the PPITH Instructor’s Course.  On Saturday and Sunday, May 22nd & 23rd, I took the PPOTH Instructor’s Course. 

I am a retired law enforcement officer and have attended numerous firearms training courses throughout my career.  I instructed basic law-enforcement firearms training for several years during that career. 

I must say that the training I received in the three days I spent with John Farquhar was the most informative and beneficial firearms training I have ever received. 

The courses were well organized.  The learning objectives for each lesson were stated and met.  John’s presentations were direct, complete, and easy to follow.  The shooting scenarios were realistic and challenging.  The over-all attitude of “safety” was always stressed.  And, the learning that took place in those few days will last a lifetime. 

I will definitely be going back to John Farquhar and Mad Duck  Training for additional training as I add to my certifications, increase my knowledge and skills, and teach firearms to a new generation of students. 

LH, Live Oak Florida

Enjoyed your NRA Instructor class very much.  Your extensive preparation was quite evident and much appreciated.  The additional handouts and CD were worth the price alone.  Your conscientious approach, knowledge, and passion add up to a rewarding experience.  I look forward to training with you again in the future.
JS, Cincinnati
I want to thank you for the valuable info you presented in the course. I'm sure some of it was above and beyond what Utah required, but you took time to hit on it anyway. Also thanks for much needed help filling out paperwork. I definetly will not hesitate to reccomend you to anyone. It doesn't look like I'm going to make it for any addtional training before going back to Texas, but you can bet I'll be there next summer!
Good Luck and Good Health to you both.
KG Texas


I just wanted you  to know that Greg & I can't thank you enough for the excellent CCW Training Class we attended at your facility on March 15, 2009. Your class covered every aspect that could be imagined. It was exciting, informative, interactive and very hands on through all phases..


We both thought that 12 1/2 hours would be a somewhat painful experience, but to our surprise, our interests were kept high and time passed very quickly throughout the class. The true sign of an educator as opposed to a teacher!


I have several friends that I'm going to insist take your class. Keep up the great work and thanks for helping me become a more confident and informed person as well as a more responsible citizen. A.S. Springboro





You are a great teacher and instructor and I feel if I can learn from the best I will be able to do it. B.F. Northern OH
"This course had a much higher value than the price I paid for the class" D.C. Brookville
“I'm handicapped, and I took my training with The Duck. My wife and I both took the training and we have nothing but good things to say about him. Polite, personable, and very professional.” D.K. Miamisburg

"This class was very professionally taught" S.P. Camden

"Even if you are not getting a CHL,you should take this course, if you own a gun!" J.P. (Eaton)

"This course needs no improvement" J.S. (Hamilton)

" Kept my attention all day" G.O. (Dayton)

"It was great!" C.C. (Eaton)

"Very Through & Complete presentation" J.M. (Dayton)

"Professional, Knowledgeable, Instructors" H.B. (Fairfield)

"The Concealed Carry lesson was worth the price of the entire course" C.K. (Dayton)

"Awesome" M.C. (Eaton)

"Far more interesting than I thought it would be" M.C. (Englewood)

"Pleasant Educational Experience" D.S. (Eaton)

"Enjoyed the class very much, it was In depth & very informative" F.L. (Eaton)

"I've taken eight courses with about 14 various instructors and this was the best (and most interesting) course I've taken so far. Mad Duck set the standard."  GG Alabama

It was an awesome weekend with awesome people,with John setting the example of the true spirit of the NRA. I was up til midnite last night trying to decompress.
Thanks to all and special thanks to John and Debby for making Mad Duck a great experience. BC Indiana



Thought I would take a couple of minutes and tell you what I really thought about the NRA class last weekend.
I don't really know what I was expecting when I arrived for class but I was extremely pleased with the overall training and the expertise of the instructor(s).
The training facility was remarkably clean, well organized, and equipped.
Meeting my fellow students provided me another highlight - just goes to prove that there are exciting people all over the place -you just got to get out and meet them. I particularly enjoyed the break time discussions between the various members of the class.
Your hospitality, food (snacks/drinks/lunches) facility and training is absolutely top notch. If someone asked me today, who I would recommend for NRA / CCW and related type training, I would recommend your training group without any hesitation.
John, on a rather serious note, don't let nothing happen to the Chief Cook and bottle washer - she is a very, very valuable member of your team.
Please feel free to call me if I can assist you in any way.
Thanks for a great class,
LW, Farmersville OH